Some of my very first blogs mentioned the new 4g iTouch I got and one of the many awesome things I can now do is watch YouTube conveniently whenever and wherever I want (as long as I’m in wifi). And thus I have been enlightened as many great videos and channels have come to my attention.
Over the past few months, I have collected 24 very deserving videos and several great channels that I ought to mention but I thought I’d share some of the very best.
Watch Marcel the Shell With the Shoes On. Now. DO IT. Right now, I’m honestly not kidding, this isn’t an option. Com'on I linked it three times and its to the right for heavens sake. Before I rant about her awesomeness I’d like to say that to all the people I’ve seen who don’t really react to this video or call it stupid, you’re stupid! Next, no matter what anyone says, Marcel is a girl not a guy! Ok rant time; Marcel is in her own way the cutest creature I’ve ever met. I’m a guy so I know I’m not allowed to say cute but Marcel is cute. I could quote her a million times and it would never get old and besides she has a lint dog named Allen. I could go on but the point is watch the video now!!!
As for channels, my favorites would probably be Nigahiga, Smosh and one that recently caught my attention, =3 or as you know it, RayWilliamJohnson. If you haven’t seen him, Ray takes viral videos and couples them with his great sense of humor. It just can’t fail I mean you’re taking videos you would want to watch anyways and making them funnier. I will admit that he’s a bit “inappropriate” at times and some of his humor is repeated but these are the quirky things that really distinguish his videos. Those and other small things like his genuine nature, comment question of the day or his songs (which you can see on his other channel FattySpins) have made his my favorite channel not to mention earned him 2.2+ million subscribers and a collective 500+ million views.
So those are my current YouTube top picks. I’m sure there are many others right now and yet to come and I might blog about it again some other time.
PS Watch those videos!
MARCEL! i love her. so cute.